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Thank you for supporting our new and innovative Duppy Stories Project 2022.


Nakuona (I See You) projects explore African and African Caribbean history, community experiences of marginalised groups and mental health using creativity and expressive arts.

Why Duppy Stories?

We don't often get the time or space to talk about life and death from an African or Caribbean perspective, so this project has been special for many. During August 2022 we heard ghost or Duppy stories from African and Caribbean heritage using the oral storytelling tradition. The four 2 hour Zoom online sessions included listening to newly commissioned African music and stories from the diaspora, contributing to an international online folklore resource.


This project is at the beginning stages of building bridges in African, Caribbean and world folklore regarding the origins behind traditional ghost stories and their impact on modern storytelling. We look forward to this project developing.


We want to thank all of the Duppy Stories Project Contributors and supporters who made these sessions possible.



Sue and Dr J.jpeg

Radio WM Interview  

Listen to our interview with Trevor about Storytelling inspired by African & Caribbean heritage

August 2022

Duppy Stories Musicians

Duppy Stories Storytellers & Contributors 2022

October 2022

All Duppy Stories Contributors made August 2022 a very special one. We thank you!


Purchase handmade Duppy Stories Merchandise inspired and created by Tina Pringle-Hamilton.



"One hand does not raise a child. "

Mkono mmoja haulei mtoto. (Swahili)


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We are a West Midlands based organisation

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